Sunday, 13 May 2012

Road to Nationals

Hey guys!

Just starting to settle down after doing two shows back to back. Finished second at NSABBA Provincials and first at the Atlantic Classic the week after. I was really happy with how I looked in both shows. After placing second at provincials I asked a few of the judges for feedback to help me see what I could improve on for the show the following week. Their feedback was mostly that I came in too lean and try for physique. Because physique is such a new division it's still hard to know what look they are going for. Because posing and presenting femininity is so important especially in physique, I worked a bit with fellow Nutrabolics Athlete Adrian Veinot who helped me a lot with my posing before Atlantic's. I didn't really want to soften up any because I liked the lean look I worked so hard to get, so I actually came in leaner and drier for Atlantic's where they actually liked the lean, drier look. 

I am now 14 weeks out from the CBBF Canadian Nationals which is in Edmonton on August 18th. I weighed 118lbs on stage this year and am aiming to be about 123 on stage for Nationals. It's feels amazing to be back in the gym feeling good and strong again. Right now I am on a 5 day split:

Monday: Glutes & Hams
Tuesday: Chest & Biceps
Wednesday: Back & abs
Thursday: Quads & Calves
Friday: Shoulders & Triceps
Saturday: Rest day
Sunday: I sometimes throw in another training day for a lagging body part. If I trained back more for width Wednesday, I'd train more for thickness and focus in more on lower lats on this day.

Right now I start with a really heavy compound exercise and train high volume then do a few isolation afterwards. My supplementation as also changed up a bit in order to increase my calories and carbs to gain some muscle. My supplement regime currently looks like:

-1 scoop Nutrabolics Isobolic and 1/2 cup oats for breakfast, 4 L-Carnitine 1000 capsels, 1 vitabolic & 3 Superfat
- Pre workout: swollen & Hemotest
-  Intraworkout: Anabolic State (new blue raz flavour just came out, that's the flav I'm currently hooked on! So good)
- Post Workout: 2 Scoops Anabolic window (this is going to be hard to drop as I get closer to the show, best tasting post workout I have tried yet)

It's my first time dieting for a show over the summer so it'll be different! I'll be keeping really busy anyways. Just have to stay focused. I am going to watch the Toronto Pro june 1st-3rd weekend which I am really looking forward to! It'll be sometime to keep me on track and focused!